Ductless mini-split systems can allow you to create zones in your home. They are both energy efficient and easy to install. We will discuss some of the benefits of adding a ductless system in your Madison County, VA, home.
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Ductwork systems may contaminate your indoor air with pollutant particles, such as pollen and dust. If you forget to change your air filter, it will accumulate dust and dirt, allowing some dirt into your house, which lowers your indoor air quality. In comparison, ductless systems don’t have this problem.
Easy Installation
Ductless systems are easy to install compared to the traditional central heating and cooling units. They come with two main components – an indoor air handler and an outdoor unit. A conduit passes through a 3-inch hole in your wall and connects these two components.
The conduit comes with several lengths to allow you to place the outdoor unit up to 50 feet away. Additionally, zoned systems come with several indoor air handlers that use only one outdoor condenser.
They Allow You to Create Zones
Apart from the ease of installation, they also offer flexibility with customized comfort. The systems are available with several indoor air handlers that technicians can install in different rooms of your home. They allow you to eliminate cold and hot spots.
Large families may have conflicts due to different preferences in temperature settings. For instance, one member may prefer slightly lower temperatures while another prefers high temperatures. With a ductless system, everyone can customize temperatures in their rooms.
Energy Efficient
Since they don’t use ductwork, there are no energy losses associated with central heating units. Ductwork loses conditioned air through holes and misalignments, which can lead to expensive utility bills.
Also, ductless systems allow you to heat or cool occupied spaces only. On the other hand, traditional central units provide comfort to every room, even if it’s empty. As a result, they use more energy compared to ductless mini-split systems.
They Operate Quietly
Most ductless systems are extremely quiet. That’s because noise usually comes from the ductwork, especially where there’s a separation or leak.
This system will not only help you save energy but it’ll also protect the environment with its R410A refrigerant. For more information about ductless AC services, contact our team at Duct-Rite Mechanical.
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