Cooling your Ruckersville, VA home takes a lot of energy, and the AC system you choose greatly influences your comfort, environment, and fuel bills. If you’re wondering whether ductless air conditioning is effective compared to central AC, read on.
Enhanced Energy Efficiency
Ductless AC uses inverter-driven compressors that change speeds based on demand rather than shutting off and on. Each time a compressor starts up, it consumes energy. Also, in a typical ducted home, homeowners lose 30 percent of their home’s energy as the cooled air moves through the ductwork. Ductless eliminates both of these energy-wasting headaches.
Improved Indoor Air Quality
Ductwork provides an ideal environment for pollutants such as mold and pest droppings. As these contaminants accumulate, they’re spread throughout your home whenever your AC runs. Indoor air quality drops, and family members experience allergies and other problems.
Ductless AC eliminates this contaminant source. With the variable-speed fans in ductless systems, your unit runs continuously, so your filters are continually trapping airborne pollutants that lower your IAQ. The longer cooling cycles that come with variable-speed technology effectively lower humidity levels, increasing your comfort and improving your indoor air quality even more.
Greater Versatility
Ductless AC is appropriate for many homes, but there are some situations where ductless air conditioning excels. Adding air conditioning to a home lacking ductwork, for room additions so that you don’t overload your existing HVAC system, and the desire for different temperature zones throughout your home are a few ideal situations. Business owners can take advantage of ductless systems for rooms that have special needs, such as a smoking room for employees.
Go With the Pros
To reap the energy efficiency and benefits of ductless AC, correct sizing and installation are essential. Duct-Rite Mechanical has 15 years of experience in the HVAC industry. To learn more about ductless air conditioning in your Ruckersville, VA, home, check out our ductless services or give us a call.