To save money on heating and cooling bills, many homeowners in Culpeper, VA have been wondering where to put their thermostats. With the proper placement, you can cool your home in the most energy-efficient way possible; on the other hand, a poorly located thermostat can drastically affect your energy use. Discover some of the suitable locations to install your thermostat in your home.
Consider a Central Area of Your Home
A thermostat helps you cool your home by controlling the temperature of the air that circulates through it. Choosing a central area within your house makes this process easier, as most modern thermostats can control the temperature of the whole house.
This will help you avoid false readings that could lead to fluctuating home temperatures, which can be a problem in some home areas. An excellent central location will be away from undesirable heat sources, such as the oven, your wood-burning fireplace or your front door. This is especially true if you live in an old house with little or no attic insulation.
We have years of experience installing and maintaining our customers’ heating and cooling systems. Our technicians can install a thermostat in your home, and ensure it’s working correctly before moving on to other tasks.
On the Interior Wall
Installing your thermostat on interior walls will help you run your cooling system more efficiently.
One of the disadvantages of placing your thermostat on the exterior walls is that it won’t have an accurate reading of the temperature, especially if the exterior wall has little to no insulation.
Avoid Sunny Areas
The position of your thermostat can significantly impact your energy costs and comfort level within your home. Placing it in areas with direct sunlight can distort the temperature readings.
With the help of an HVAC technician, you can avoid the problem of inaccurate temperature readings. Our technicians can professionally install, calibrate and maintain your thermostat to ensure it works properly.
If you need AC installation services in your home, contact us at Duct-Rite Mechanical LLC. We can help you better understand the impact of the placement of your thermostat. For more information, call us today and speak with an expert HVAC technician.
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